d'Arc 0.2.0

This is the complete d'Arc 0.2 source


*** Package     : d'Arc - fast Lua sub API                                  ***
*** File        : darc.h                                                    ***
*** Description : macros for VM value and table node access, Lua & LuaJIT   ***
*** Version     : 0.2.0 / alpha                                             ***
*** Requirement : Lua 5.1.4 or LuaJIT 2 beta 7                              ***
*** Copyright   : April 1st 2011 Henning Diedrich                           ***
*** Author      : H. Diedrich <hd2010@eonblast.com>                         ***
*** License     : see file LICENSE                                          ***
*** Created     : 23 Mar 2011                                               ***
*** Changed     : 08 May 2011                                               ***
***                                                                         ***
***  d'Arc is a faster way to access Lua values and traverse tables in C.   ***
***  It supports Lua 5.1.4 and LuaJIT 2 beta 7 and is loathable for not     ***
***  using the Lua API. Please use it only if you are 18+ years old.        ***
***                                                                         ***
***                                                                         ***
***  This file contains macros that allow you to write source that will     ***
***  work with both the classic PUC Lua and Mike Pall's LuaJIT.             ***
***                                                                         ***

                            (  (    (               
                            )\ ))\   )\    (         
                           (()/((_)(((_)(  )(    (   
                            ((_) ) )\ _ )\(()\   )\  
                            _| |   (_)_\(_)((_)((_) 
                          / _` |    / _ \ | '_|/ _|  
                          \__,_|   /_/ \_\|_|  \__|                          

* devine version ----------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifdef LUA_5_1
  #undef JIT_2
#elif JIT_2
  #error Please define either LUA_5_1 or JIT_2

***                                                                         ***
***                                LUA 5.1.4                                ***
***                                                                         ***

#ifdef LUA_5_1

  /* Lua headers (in include/lua-5.1.4) ------------------------------------ */

  #include "lobject.h"
  #include "ltable.h"
  #include "lua.h"
  #include "lauxlib.h"
  #include "lualib.h"
  #include "ldebug.h"
  #include "ldo.h"
  #include "lgc.h"
  #include "lmem.h"
  #include "lstate.h"

  TValue *index2adr(lua_State *L, int idx);

  /* Lua ............ see obj.h */

  #define XLUA_IS_NIL(o)            ttisnil(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_TRUE(o)           ((o)->value.b == true) 
  #define XLUA_IS_FALSE(o)          ((o)->value.b == false)
  #define XLUA_IS_BOOLEAN(o)        ttisboolean(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_NUMBER(o)         ttisnumber(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_STRING(o)         ttisstring(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_TABLE(o)          ttistable(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_FUNCTION(o)       ttisfunction(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_USERDATA(o)       ttisuserdata(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_THREAD(o)         ttisthread(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_LIGHTUSERDATA(o)  ttislightuserdata(o) 

  #define XLUA_BOOLEAN(o)          ((o)->value.b)
  #define XLUA_NUMBER(o)           (nvalue(o))
  #define XLUA_STRING(o)           (svalue(o))
  #define XLUA_STRING_LENGTH(o)    (tsvalue(o)->len)
  #define XLUA_TABLE(o)            (hvalue(o))

  #define XLUA_NODE_KEYVAL(node)   (key2tval(node))
  #define XLUA_NODE_VAL(node)      (gval(node))

  #define XLUA_INDEX_TO_ADDRESS(L, index) index2adr(L, index)

  #define index2addr(L, index) index2adr(L, index) // eliminate pitfall

  /* necessary for Lua code interfacing, taken from Lua source               */ 

  /* Lua syncrasies -------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* From Lua llimits.h */
  // #define MAX_INT (INT_MAX-2)  /* maximum value of an int (-2 for safety) */

  /* from luaconf.h TODO: clear up, should be superfluous */
  #if INT_MAX-20 < 32760 
    #define LUAI_BITSINT    16 
  #elif INT_MAX > 2147483640L 
    #define LUAI_BITSINT    32 
    #error "you must define LUA_BITSINT with number of bits in an integer" 

  /* max size of array part is 2^MAXBITS (excerpt from Lua ltable.c) */
  #if LUAI_BITSINT > 26
  #define MAXBITS       26
  #define MAXBITS       (LUAI_BITSINT-2)

  static const char ESC=27;
  static const char OPN=28;
  static const char CLS=29;

  #define true 1
  #define false 0


***                                                                         ***
***                                LUAJIT 2                                 ***
***                                                                         ***

#ifdef JIT_2 /* ............ see lj_obj.h */

  /* LuaJIT headers (in include/jit-2.0.0) --------------------------------- */

  #include "lua.h" 
  #include "lauxlib.h" 
  #include "lj_obj.h" 

  TValue *index2adr(lua_State *L, int idx); 

  typedef GCtab Table; 

  /* LuaJIT ............ see lj_obj.h */

  #define XLUA_IS_NIL(o)            tvisnil(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_TRUE(o)           tvistrue(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_FALSE(o)          tvisfalse(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_BOOLEAN(o)        tvisbool(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_NUMBER(o)         tvisnumber(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_STRING(o)         tvisstr(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_TABLE(o)          tvistab(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_FUNCTION(o)       tvisfunc(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_USERDATA(o)       tvisudata(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_THREAD(o)         tvisthread(o) 
  #define XLUA_IS_LIGHTUSERDATA(o)  tvislightud(o) 

  #define XLUA_BOOLEAN(o)           (boolV(o)) 
  #define XLUA_NUMBER(o)            (numV(o)) 
  #define XLUA_STRING(o)            (strVdata(o)) 
  #define XLUA_STRING_LENGTH(o)     (strV(o)->len) 
  #define XLUA_TABLE(o)             (tabV(o)) 

  #define XLUA_NODE_KEYVAL(node)    ((node)->key) 
  #define XLUA_NODE_VAL(node)       ((node)->val) 

  #define XLUA_INDEX_TO_ADDRESS(L, index) index2adr(L, index) 

  #define index2addr(L, index) index2adr(L, index) // eliminate pitfall


***                                                                         ***
***                                 d'Arc                                   ***
***                                                                         ***

typedef int (*foldfunc)(TValue *o, void *cargo);
int darc_traverse(const Table *t, foldfunc fold, void *cargo);
int darc_array_part (const Table *t, foldfunc func, void *cargo); 
int darc_hash_part (const Table *t, foldfunc func, void *cargo);


*** Package     : d'Arc - fast Lua sub API                                  ***
*** File        : darc.c                                                    ***
*** Description : macros for VM value and table node access, Lua & LuaJIT   ***
*** Version     : 0.2.0 / alpha                                             ***
*** Requirement : Lua 5.1.4 or LuaJIT 2 beta 7                              ***
*** Copyright   : April 1st 2011 Henning Diedrich                           ***
*** Author      : H. Diedrich <hd2010@eonblast.com>                         ***
*** License     : see file LICENSE                                          ***
*** Created     : 01 Apr 2011                                               ***
*** Changed     : 08 May 2011                                               ***
***                                                                         ***
***  d'Arc is a faster way to access Lua values and traverse tables in C.   ***
***  It supports Lua 5.1.4 and LuaJIT 2 beta 7 and is loathable for not     ***
***  using the Lua API. Please use it only if you are 18+ years old.        ***
***                                                                         ***
***                                                                         ***
*** This file contains d'Arc table traversal functions for Lua and LuaJIT:  ***
***                                                                         ***
***                           darc_traverse()                               ***
***                                                                         ***
***                                                                         ***
***            ASCII art: http://patorjk.com/software/taag/                 ***
***                                                                         ***

                           (  (    (               
                           )\ ))\   )\    (         
                          (()/((_)(((_)(  )(    (   
                           ((_) ) )\ _ )\(()\   )\  
                           _| |   (_)_\(_)((_)((_) 
                         / _` |    / _ \ | '_|/ _|  
                         \__,_|   /_/ \_\|_|  \__|                          

***                                                                         ***
***                            HANDLING TABLES                              ***
***                                                                         ***

#include "darc.h"

 * A table, internally, has a hash & an array part                           *

int darc_traverse(const Table *t, foldfunc fold, void *cargo) {

    int goon = darc_hash_part(t, fold, (void *)cargo);

    if(!goon) return goon;

    goon = darc_array_part(t, fold, cargo);

    return goon;

 * Traversing the array part                                                 *
/* This is Lua 5.1.4 specific.                                               */

#ifdef LUA_5_1

int darc_array_part (const Table *t, foldfunc fold, void *cargo) 
    int lg;
    int ttlg;  /* 2^lg */
    int i = 1;  /* count to traverse all array keys */
    for (lg=0, ttlg=1; lg<=MAXBITS; lg++, ttlg*=2) {  /* for each slice */
        int lim = ttlg;
        if (lim > t->sizearray) {
            lim = t->sizearray;  /* adjust upper limit */
            if (i > lim)
                break;  /* no more elements */
        /* elements in range (2^(lg-1), 2^lg] */
        for (; i <= lim; i++) {
            TValue * v = &t->array[i-1];
            if(!ttisnil(v)) {

                if(!(*fold)(v, cargo)) return 0; // =: break


    return 1; // =: continue 

 * Traversing the hash part                                                  *
/* This is Lua 5.1.4 specific.                                               */

int darc_hash_part (const Table *t, foldfunc fold, void *cargo) 
    int i = sizenode(t);

    while (i--) {
        Node *node = &t->node[i];
        if(!ttisnil(key2tval(node)) && !ttisnil(gval(node))) {

                if(!(*fold)(key2tval(node), cargo)) return 0;  // =: break


    return 1;  // =: continue

#ifdef JIT_2

 * Traversing the array part                                                 *
/* This is LuaJIT 2 specific.                                                */

int darc_array_part (const Table *t, foldfunc fold, void *cargo) 
    uint32_t i, b;
    if (t->asize == 0) return 1; // =: continue
    for (i = b = 0; b < LJ_MAX_ABITS; b++) {
        uint32_t n, top = 2u << b;
        TValue *array;
        if (top >= t->asize) {
            top = t->asize-1;
            if (i > top)
        array = tvref(t->array);
        for (n = 0; i <= top; i++) {

            TValue *v = &array[i]; /* i, not i-1, as in the Lua 5.1 part  */
            if (!tvisnil(v)) {

                if(!(*fold)(v, cargo)) return 0; // =: break

    return 1;  // =: continue

 * Traversing the hash part                                                  *
/* This is LuaJIT 2 specific.                                                */

int darc_hash_part (const Table *t, foldfunc fold, void *cargo) 
    uint32_t i, hmask = t->hmask;
    Node *node = noderef(t->node);
    for (i = 0; i <= hmask; i++) {

        Node *n = &node[i];
        if (!tvisnil(&n->val) && !tvisnil(&n->key)) {

            if(!(*fold)((&n->val), cargo)) return 0; // =: break
    return 1;  // =: continue

#endif // < JIT

***                                                                         ***
***                              ORIGINAL LUA                               ***
***                                                                         ***
**      copy of needed original Lua source, which Lua does not export        **

**  Get the C pointer for the value on the stack                             **

#ifdef LUA_5_1 // > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

/* from Lua 5.1.4 source */
TValue *index2adr (lua_State *L, int idx) {

  if (idx > 0) {   
    TValue *o = L->base + (idx - 1);
    api_check(L, idx <= L->ci->top - L->base);
    if (o >= L->top) return cast(TValue *, luaO_nilobject);
    else return o;  
  else if (idx > LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) {
    api_check(L, idx != 0 && -idx <= L->top - L->base);
    return L->top + idx;
  else switch (idx) {  /* pseudo-indices */
    case LUA_REGISTRYINDEX: return registry(L);
      Closure *func = curr_func(L);
      sethvalue(L, &L->env, func->c.env);
      return &L->env;
    case LUA_GLOBALSINDEX: return gt(L);
    default: {
      Closure *func = curr_func(L);
      idx = LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - idx;
      return (idx <= func->c.nupvalues)
                ? &func->c.upvalue[idx-1]
                : cast(TValue *, luaO_nilobject);

*   copy of needed original LuaJIT source, which LuaJIT does not export       *

**  Get the C pointer for the value on the stack                             **

#ifdef JIT_2 // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

/* from jit/src/lj_api.c */
TValue *index2adr(lua_State *L, int idx)
  if (idx > 0) {
    TValue *o = L->base + (idx - 1);
    return o < L->top ? o : niltv(L);
  } else if (idx > LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) {
    api_check(L, idx != 0 && -idx <= L->top - L->base);
    return L->top + idx;
  } else if (idx == LUA_GLOBALSINDEX) {
    TValue *o = &G(L)->tmptv;
    settabV(L, o, tabref(L->env));
    return o;
  } else if (idx == LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) {
    return registry(L);
  } else {
    GCfunc *fn = curr_func(L);
    api_check(L, fn->c.gct == ~LJ_TFUNC && !isluafunc(fn));
    if (idx == LUA_ENVIRONINDEX) {
      TValue *o = &G(L)->tmptv;
      settabV(L, o, tabref(fn->c.env));
      return o;
    } else {
      idx = LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - idx;
      return idx <= fn->c.nupvalues ? &fn->c.upvalue[idx-1] : niltv(L);
#endif // Lua/JIT < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

/* For above original Lua and LuaJIT source, see special notes in LICENSE. */

And here is a sample on how to use it.

© 2011 Henning Diedrich